AUTOSYS Call Linux sh file execute Job

AUTOSYS automate the job either on Window or Linux boxes as you saw on previous tutorials about how to create new job on different operating systems. In this just to keep command line path handy below is command path you use to call *.sh file on Linux box:

command: /apps/javahonk/scripts/ UAT start

  • Complete details of command job:
insert_job: JAVAHONK_UAT_start_c  job_type: c
owner: javahonk
command: /apps/javahonk/scripts/ UAT start
permission: gx,ge
description: "Start DSPS Galaxy Recon Application"
alarm_if_fail: 1
std_out_file: /opt/javahonk/UAT_start_c.out
std_err_file: /opt/javahonk/UAT_start_c.err
application: team1

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