Set Java Path windows

Please follow below steps to set Java path in windows environment. Stetting up java path means you could use java compile time or run time environment without setting up every time path whenever you run your java program:

  • Click Start –> Right click My computer –> Click Properties

Set JAVA_HOME environment variable

  • Click Advance system settings

Set JAVA_HOME environment variable

  • Click Environment variable

Set JAVA_HOME environment variable

Choose existing Path variable –> Click Edit -> Append new Java bin installation folder path at the end of path variable and don’t forget add semi colon before and after path variable as sample shown below:

;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0\bin;

Set Java Path windows

Click OK –> OK –> OK

Now to test it if path variable set or not open command prompt

Type javac command name press enter you will see below means it got set up properly :

Set Java Path windows

Type java command name press enter you will see below means it got set up properly :

Set Java Path windows

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