Install Google Guice Plugin Eclipse

If you are working on project where for dependency injection Google Guice has been used then it’s better to have it plug-in installed in your eclipse. To install this plug-in please follow steps below:

  • In eclipse click Help –> Install New Software… and enter information below:

It’s update site address:

Install Google Guice Plugin Eclipse

Install Google Guice Plugin Eclipse

Install Google Guice Plugin Eclipse

Install Google Guice Plugin Eclipse

Install Google Guice Plugin Eclipse

  • If you see warning message click OK and once installation is done you will see popup to restart the server to take effect. Please click Yes to restart it.
  • To check if it’s installed successfully or not click Windows –> Preferences –> you will see Guice plug in as below:

Install Google Guice Plugin Eclipse

  •  For inforation please visit Guice plugin page here

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