Create Store Procedure TOAD Example

Create Store Procedure TOAD Example

In this example we will see how to create store procedure using TOAD. I assume you already set up your TOAD and connected to the database.

  • First create table on TOAD. Below is script:
create table dbo.Test (
	test_id int identity not null,
	eventDate date null,
	createTime datetime default getdate() null,
	updateTime datetime null,
	primary key (test_id) 
  • Insert some data to the Test table:
   '20151226' -- eventDate - IN date
   ,'12/26/2015 12:00:00 AM' -- updateTime - IN datetime
  • Click Procedure tab on TOAD:

Create Store Procedure TOAD Example

  • Create new procedure icon to create new store procedure:

Create Store Procedure TOAD Example

  • To make this procedure simple we will execute select statement which will take one parameter test_id which is primary key of the table:

Create Store Procedure TOAD Example

  • Click Parameter to add new parameter to it:

Create Store Procedure TOAD Example

  • Now if you click show script button, it will show you final script of the store procedure:

Create Store Procedure TOAD Example

  • Finally click execute button to create store procedure:

Create Store Procedure TOAD Example


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