Call Stored Procedure input output parameter

Call Stored Procedure input output parameter

This example will show you how to call Stored Procedure with one input and one output parameter. For this example we are using MySQL server and will call this procedure using MySQL Workbench (We can use any tool to call it)

  • Sample stored procedure:
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Routine DDL
-- Note: comments before and after the routine body will not be stored by the server
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `SampleProcedure`
(IN deptId VARCHAR(50), OUT departmentName VARCHAR(50))


SELECT *  FROM department where DepartmentID = deptId;
set departmentName = 33;

  • To call stored procedure:
CALL `javahonk`.`SampleProcedure`('33', @departmentName);
SELECT @departmentName;
  • Output:

Call Stored Procedure input output parameter

  • And if you use below:
CALL `javahonk`.`SampleProcedure`('33', @departmentName);
  • Output will be select statement result from the table as below:


Call Stored Procedure input output parameter

For more information please refer this link

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