Which class is super class of every class

Can constructor inherited

Answer : A constructor cannot be inherited and since in subclasses it has a different name (that is name of the subclass). Please see example below:

Important point:

  • It makes more sense to inherit a constructor
  • Constructor of class A means creating an object of type ConstructorTest2
  • Constructor of class B means creating an object of class ConstructorTest
  • Call sequence will be invoke superclass contructor then subclass constructor

Please see example below:

package com.javahonk.thistest;

public class ConstructorTest extends ConstructorTest2 {

    // constructor declared
    public ConstructorTest() {
	System.out.println("subclass constructor");

    public static void main(String args[]) {
	//invoke super class empty consturctor first
	//invode subclass empty constructor
	ConstructorTest constructorTest = new ConstructorTest();

	//invoke super class empty consturctor first
	//invode subclass empty constructor
	ConstructorTest2 constructorTest2 =new ConstructorTest();

	//Not possible
	//ConstructorTest constructorTest3=new ConstructorTest2();


class ConstructorTest2 {

    ConstructorTest2() {
	System.out.println("superclass constructor");




Can constructor inherited

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