Case Statement SQL Example

Case Statement SQL Example

You can use case statement inside select and put condition based on column element. In below example I will show sample select query with case statement also it has select sub query to get data from another table as well:

SELECT OE.TestOptionType,
(SELECT SR.rule_name FROM javahonk.dbo.lhs_test_rule SR WHERE SM.sm_ex_test_rule_id=SR.rule_id) as testmentType ,
        WHEN upper(SM.sm_sec_type) = 'HONK' THEN
        WHEN upper(SM.sm_sec_type) = 'O' THEN
        END as Category,
        WHEN OE.ExecutedBy = null THEN
        WHEN OE.ExecutedBy <> null  THEN
        END as OptionExecutableTools 
FROM HONK.dbo.OptionExecutable OE 
INNER JOIN javahonk.dbo.lhs_test SM 
  ON CONVERT(int,OE.SmID) = SM.sm_id
WHERE OE.EventDate Between '20151001' and '20151031'  order by EventDate ASC


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