Create Project TeamCity

Create Project TeamCity

As we know TeamCity is all in one continuous build solution. To make any project continuous build automatically then first step is to crate project inside TeamCity. Please follow steps below to configure project in TeamCity:

  • Log in to TeamCity system

Create Project TeamCity


  • Click Administration link:

Create Project TeamCity


  • Click Create Project. You will see below screen:

Create Project TeamCity

  • Enter your project specific information on below screen:

Create Project TeamCity

  • Finally click create button to create project as you will see below screen:

Create Project TeamCity

  • To add build configuration please click create build configuration:

Create Project TeamCity

  • Enter all information as below based your project configuration then click create button:

Create Project TeamCity


  • Next screen you will VCM setting and here we are integrating with GitHub please enter all information as below then click create:



Create Project TeamCity

  • To add build step for existing project — Go to home page –> Click Administration –> Click MavenTestProject –> Next page click Edit link on Build configuration block as below:

Create Project TeamCity

  • Click Build Steps on left side pane:

Create Project TeamCity

  • To fetch automatically Pom.xml file from maven project for automatic build please click Auto detect build steps button as below:

Create Project TeamCity


  • TeamCity will scan project will detect pom.xml file clikc use this button to use this file as build:

Create Project TeamCity

  • Finally you will see Build steps as below:

Create Project TeamCity


  • That’s it. For more information please follow this tutorial





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