Debug EJB deployed locally using Client

Debug EJB deployed locally using Client

If you want to debug EJB which is deployed locally on the server using EJB client. In this demo we will use EJB 2 with JBoss Application server community version 5.1 to show you how to debug application. Please follow steps below:

  • Create sample EJB  2 application using this tutorial
  • Once you are done with setup start your JBoss server in debug mode

Debug EJB deployed locally using Client

  • Once server stared in debug mode then start your in debug mode and put break point in client class as well as bean class you will see application will stop on break point when you step up the application.

Debug EJB deployed locally using Client
Debug EJB deployed locally using Client

  • Summary: Debugging EJB application locally is same as you debug any web application just you need to deploy EJB on server and start in debug mode and run client application in debug mode and put break point in EJB bean it will stop there automatically. For more information debug ejb please refer this link

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