Face to Face Java Interview Series 5 : This interview was for the position of Technical lead and architect for large Java j2ee project who should have experience more than 8+ years in Java J2EE field and could handle people onsite and offshore both. Candidate should also have very good knowledge of Financial domain:

Face to Face Java Interview Series 5 here are the questions:

1. Could you please tell me what you have done in last 1-2 year and what is your strong area
2. OK as you said you have used Spring MVC, Spring 3.0 , hibernate 3.0 let start with it
3. What is Spring MVC and how it was fit for your project
4. Can you tell me briefly about your project architecture
5. How you handle transaction
6. How you will handle phantom read situation in transaction
7. As you said you have used Spring with hibernate means you handle transaction in hibernate not in Spring please tell me about that
8. How did you handle concurrency in your project
9. How you handle multi-threading in your project. Suppose you have multiple users using the application
10. How did you configure data source in Spring
11. How did you handle connection pooling
12. Did you used any design pattern in your project. Could you tell me briefly about that
13. Did you used Service locator design pattern. Can you describe it where did you used
14. What is transaction isolation level how you handle it
15. Let’s talk about one scenario: If suppose you have configured everything in your project and during application server start up due to some reason network is down or database is not responding then what will happen. Will your application start successfully?
16. How you handle this situation if network is down due to some reason and you are not getting connection to the database
17. One more question : If suppose during peak time your application server got crashed how you handle this situation
18. That’s it from my side do you have any question for me.

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