Install msysgit windows

Install msysgit windows

In this tutorial you will see how to install msygit on window system. Please follow steps below:

  • Go to
  • Click Download
  • Now double click downloaded file to start installation process. You will see below click Next to proceed:

Install msygit windows

  • Click Next on below screen:

Install msygit windows

  • Keep default location to install Git (If you want to install another location click browse and choose location of your choice)

Install msygit windows

  • Keep all default option selected then click Next:

Install msygit windows

  • Keep start menu folder default (If you want select different folder click browse as you see below) then click next:

Install msygit windows

  • Adjusting your path environment please keep this default otherwise you option available as you see below then click Next:

Install msygit windows

  • Configuring the line ending conversion then click next:

Install msygit windows

  • You will installation start as below:

Install msygit windows

  • And finally you will below once installation is done click finish button:

Install msygit windows

  • Now to use it you will have set its path. To set path in window please follow steps below:
    Right click window –> Choose System

Install msygit windows

  • Click Advanced system settings –> Advanced –> Environment Variable:

Install msygit windows

  • Under system variable –> Look for path variable –> Edit –> Add bin and cmd folder path (C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd;) then click OK –> OK –> OK
    Installed location of bin and cmd folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd;

Install msygit windows

  • Now to test it out if path has been set or not. Open command prompt type git you will see below:

Install msygit windows

  • That’s it we have successfully installed msygit and tested it.

download Download msygit: Git-1.9.4-preview20140929

One thought on “Install msysgit windows”
  1. Hi JH
    Thanks for the git exe file and the steps to launch. I have been able to successfully run git on the prompt . However my problem of not having git in the path while trying to bower install bootstrap is still unresolved.
    If the path is specified why should I still get error that git is not in the path. Thanks

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