Missing artifact javax-activation-activation-jar-1-0-2

Missing artifact javax-activation-activation-jar-1-0-2

Missing artifact javax.activation:activation:jar:1.0.2

I was getting this error when trying to add activation.jar dependency in pom.xml file as below:


When I changed to below version it fixed the issue:



That worked for me if still not working for you try below solution:

  • Close your eclipse go to maven local repository C:\Users\username\.m2 and delete repository folder. Open eclipse again and refresh your project
  • Refresh/Clean your project
  • Right click project –> Maven –> Update project…
  • Right click Maven –> Disable dependency management and again then Maven –> Enable Dependency management
  • Try close and open you project
  • Check setting.xml file is available or not if it’s not available go your maven installation directory conf folder and copy settings.xml file to your local repository location: C:\Users\username\.m2 folder

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