Share existing eclipse project GitHub

Share existing eclipse project GitHub

If you want to share your existing eclipse project to GitHub please follow below steps:

Note: Before sharing eclispe project to GitHub you will have to install eclipse

  • Create project in eclipse (We have created JavaTestProject which is java project in eclipse)
  • Create new repository name JavaTestProject in GitHub so that we can give path of GitHub repository while sharing the project that you will see in below steps.
  • Right click project –> Team –> Share project if you already installed GitHub plug-in in eclipse you will see below:

Share existing eclipse project GitHub

  • Once you click next you will see below:

Share existing eclipse project GitHub

  • On above window click Create for new GitHub local repository and that will same as below:

Share existing eclipse project GitHub

  • Click Finish to complete setup
  • Now to commit code in GitHub: Right clikc Project –> Team — Click commit you will see below window:

Share existing eclipse project GitHub

  • Enter commit message then click Commit and Push. You will see below window please enter all information then click Next:

Share existing eclipse project GitHub


  • Below window select Source ref and Destination ref Head and click All branched spec to give push specification as it will look as below then click Next:

Share existing eclipse project GitHub


  • Next window you will see as below and click Finish to complete the process:

Share existing eclipse project GitHub

  • If code pushes successfully you will see pushed confirmation window click OK

Share existing eclipse project GitHub

  • That’s it code pushed to GitHub please verify it logging into GitHub. For more information please follow this link




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