Wrong arguments new for target java lang reflect Constructor expected java net URI actual java io File

Wrong arguments new for target java lang reflect Constructor expected java net URI actual java io File

Deployment “AttachmentStore” is in error due to: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong arguments. new for target java.lang.reflect.Constructor expected=[java.net.URI] actual=[java.io.File]

Above exception is bug with specific combination with JDK and Jboss:

  Deployment "AttachmentStore" is in error due to: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong argumen
ts. new for target java.lang.reflect.Constructor expected=[java.net.URI] actual=[java.io.File]

  Deployment "ProfileServicePersistenceDeployer" is missing the following dependencies:
    Dependency "AttachmentStore" (should be in state "Installed", but is actually in state "**ERROR*
  Deployment "ProfileServiceBootstrap" is missing the following dependencies:
    Dependency "ProfileService" (should be in state "Installed", but is actually in state "Instantia
    Dependency "jboss.kernel:service=Kernel" (should be in state "Installed", but is actually in sta
te "**ERROR**")
  Deployment "ProfileServiceDeployer" is missing the following dependencies:
    Dependency "AttachmentStore" (should be in state "Installed", but is actually in state "**ERROR*
  Deployment "ProfileService" is missing the following dependencies:
    Dependency "ProfileServiceDeployer" (should be in state "Installed", but is actually in state "I
    Dependency "jboss.kernel:service=KernelController" (should be in state "Installed", but is actua
lly in state "**ERROR**")

        at org.jboss.kernel.plugins.deployment.AbstractKernelDeployer.internalValidate(AbstractKerne
        at org.jboss.kernel.plugins.deployment.AbstractKernelDeployer.validate(AbstractKernelDeploye
        at org.jboss.bootstrap.microcontainer.ServerImpl.doStart(ServerImpl.java:142)
        at org.jboss.bootstrap.AbstractServerImpl.start(AbstractServerImpl.java:450)
        at org.jboss.Main.boot(Main.java:221)
        at org.jboss.Main$1.run(Main.java:556)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
17:30:43,750 INFO  [ServerImpl] Runtime shutdown hook called, forceHalt: true
17:30:43,750 INFO  [ServerImpl] Shutdown complete
Shutdown complete
Halting VM
  • Solution: Please go to jboss-version\server\default\conf\bootstrap\profile.xml and search for “AttachmentStore” and change the constructor as below:

<constructor><parameter class=”java.io.File”>

Wrong arguments new for target java lang reflect Constructor expected java net URI actual java io File

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