Face to Face Java Interview Series 6

Face to Face Java Interview Series 6

This face to face java interview series 6 questions for Sr. Java developer position to big wall street financial firm where resource need was the one who is very strong in core java. Below are questions:

1. What is volatile variable ?
2. What is Executor interface and how you have used it ?
3. What is lock interface and how you have used it ?
4. What is scope in spring and how many types of scopes are there ?
5. Can you set scope = “request” in stand alone application ?
6. If you set scope = “request” in stand alone application how spring will find out if its not web application ?
7. What is IOC in spring ?
8. What is dependency injection ?
9. What is difference between Array List Map in Java ?
10. What collection type you will use and why ?
11. If you need to create HashMap and Object as an key what is required ?
12. What is HashMap ?
13. What is HashCode and equals ?
14. If you need to search and remove object what is the best collection choice and why ?
15. How you instantiate bean in spring ?
16. What is group by function and how we use it ?
17. Write query to get sum of employee salary from two table employee and department
18. Difference group by and where clause
19. What happens if we don’t override equals but hashcode
20. What is benefit using generics in Java ?
21. What you do when override Hashcode in Java ?

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