Telephonic Java Interview Series 15

Telephonic Java Interview Series 15

Position: Sr. Java Developer
Company: Big health care company Maryland

1. Can you tell me about your project you working on ?
2. What is architecture of your project ?
3. How comfortable are you with JavaScript and Advance JavaScript ?
4. How you access cookies in Java script ?
5. What is the difference between == and === operator in JavaScript ?
6. What is closure in JavaScript ?
7. What is global variable in JavaScript ?
8. How you create global variable in JavaScript ?
9. What is JQuery ?
10. How you make Ajax call using JQuery ?
11. How you access id using JQuery ?
12. Have you used struts ?
13. Can you tell me full work flow of struts ?
14. What is action Servlet in struts ?
15. Have you used EJB ?
16. What version of EJB you have used ?
17. Have you worked on EJB 3.0 ?
18. How you handle transaction in hibernate ?
19. How you handle transaction in spring ?
20. How you have generated hibernate classes in your project ?
21. What is the difference between == and equals in Java ?
22. What is index in database ?
23. Why we create index in the database ?
24. How you inject collection in spring ?
25. How you get session in hibernate ?

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