Face to Face Java Interview Series 15

Face to Face Java Interview Series 15

This is Face to Face Java Interview Series 15 questions for Sr. Java Developer position in one of big finance company in NYC Manhattan area. Below are questions:

1st round:

1. Tell me about your project and experience ?
2. What is HashMap and how it works ?
3. Can we store null key in HashMap if yes what will be its location ?
4. What is the use of HashCode and equals in Java ?
5. How you find memory in Unix what command you use ?
6. What functionality you have used from JDK 1.7 ?
7. If we don’t want to lock object and work on it what we should do ?
8. How we make spring singleton ?
9. How we achieve multi threading in Java ?
10. What is synchronization and what is the use of it ?
11. What is the difference between synchronization and lock in Java ?
12. If we write String str = “ABC” and String str = new String(“ABC”) what is the difference ?
13. How you overwrite equals and hashcode in Java can you write it ?
14. How you handle transaction in hibernate ?
15. What is hashing how we resolve it in Java ?
16. What is difference between RESTFul and SOAP web service ?
17. How you make class Singleton in Java ?
18. What is generics ?
19. If we say or what is it can you tell me in detail ?
20. What is difference between list and set ?
21. Did you worked on caching ?
22. What is caching in java and how you handle it ?
23. How many type of cache in java ?
24. What kind of object you keep in cache ?
25. What do you mean by distributed caching ?
26. If you have critical data which you store and fetch regularly will you store this in caching ?
27. How hibernate handle caching ?
28. Can you give me real time example how you have caching in hibernate ?
29. How many level of caching available in hibernate ?
30. What is Big O notations ?
31. What is logarithmic algorithm ?
32. What do you mean by O(n) ?
33. What do you mean by O(log n) ?
34. Which one is faster O(n) or O(log n) ?
35. How do you calculate O(n) ?

2nd round:

1. How you achieve synchronization in Java ?
2. How comfortable are with database query ?
3. How we create index ?
4. What is the use of index ?
5. What is cluster and non cluster index ?
6. What is table execution plan ?
7. What are new feature you have used from JDK 1.7 ?
8. How find maximum record from table ?
9. How you find 2nd maximum record from table ?
10. How you find 5th maximum record from table ?
11. If we have Employee table with salary, first-name, last-name then how will you find maximum salary with all column from table ?

3rd round:

1. Tell me about your project and experience and your strong area ?
2. I see you have experience in ESB what is it and how we use it and who provides it ?
3. How you create SOA architecture ?
4. Tell me if you have give to design architecture how to design so that SOA better fit in it ?
5. If you have give Tibco Apache camel and spring integration what you will choose for integration layer and why ?
6. What is the best way to control web service in SOA architecture ?
7. If you have load balancer and using EJB and Spring how will you control it ?
8. What is difference between EJB 3.0 and Spring ?
9. Why EJB 3.0 is not popular than Spring ?
10. What is DI in spring what is the use of it ?
11. What is IOC in spring ?
12. How we do auto wiring in spring ?
13. How we load application context in spring ?
14. Tell me about your experience in Ext.js and Angular.js and Spring MVC ? Which one good any why ?
15. We have already existing application developed in swing how will you replace this system with Spring MVC ?
16. If you have one already developed in EJB how will you replace it with Spring ?
17. Tell me about you Java experience ?

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