Face to Face Interview Series 32 Introduction question

Face to Face Interview Series 32 Introduction question

Face to Face Interview Series 32 Introduction question for all technical interview you attend and interviewer starts with these:

1. Please talk about your experience and recent work of your current project?
2. Please explain architecture of your current project?
3. Please explain about your current project? What technologies you have used and what was your role in the project?
4. Tell me about yourself and your strong technical area?
5. Could you tell me how many years of experience you have in struts spring hibernate web service and PL/SQL?
6. Please explain about your technical background you skills current project role and what your day to day activities?
7. Are you back or front end?
8. Do you have any experience working with on-shore and off-shore team?
9. What usually motivates you to work hard?
10. On 10 how do rate yourself in Java hibernate and Spring?
11. What role do you play in team?
12. Explain the architecture of your current project? what technologies stack using?
13. Is project based agile or waterfall model?
14. So far in your career which project are you particularly proud of and why?
15. Tell me about yourself and explain about your current project?
16. What kind of role you have in current project?
17. What is your team size?
18. Please explain your technical skill set your experience with different Java Frameworks especially with Spring and Hibernate?
19. Can you explain the Architecture of your previous project?

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