Configure JBoss Application server eclipse

Configure JBoss Application server eclipse

If you are working on JBoss server and want to configure and directly from eclipse please follow steps below:

Tools needed:

  • Eclipse above 4.0 with JBoss Tools (Install JBoss tools plugin using this tutorial)
  • JBoss any version: Download JBoss from here (We are using JBoss AS 6.1.0.Final Community edition)


  • Open your eclipse –> Go to server view –> Right click –> New –> Server

Configure JBoss Application server eclipse


  • Define new server as below and click Next:

Configure JBoss Application server eclipse


  • Choose JBoss server run time configuration as below based on your JBoss location and click Next:

Configure JBoss Application server eclipse


  • Next window you see summary of configuration as below click next:

Configure JBoss Application server eclipse

  • Next window if you have any project module configure it will show you could include module later and click Finish:

Configure JBoss Application server eclipse

  • Finally you will see configured JBoss in eclipse below where you can directly Start, Stop, Debug etc…

Configure JBoss Application server eclipse


  • That’s it.

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