How deploy war file JBoss server

How deploy war file JBoss server

This demo you will see how to deploy war file on JBoss application server. There are two ways to deploy war file on JBoss server:

  • Create war file then paste it in JBOSS_HOME\server\default\deploy folder
  • Deploy war file through Admin console

First let’s see how to deploy and run war file on JBOSS_HOME\server\default\deploy folder

  • To create war file on any web project (For this demo we will create it in eclipse) you will have to right click project –> Export –> WAR file

How deploy war file JBoss server

  • Give war file name and its destination then click finish:

How deploy war file JBoss server

  • Now copy war file to JBOSS_HOME\server\default\deploy folder and start JBoss server. For this demo we have included sample war file for download and test purpose there you will see below output:

How deploy war file JBoss server

Now let’s see how to deploy war file using JBOSS admin console

  • Start your JBoss server
  • Go to http://localhost:8080 (Default port of JBoss server) there you will below click Administration Console:

How deploy war file JBoss server

  • You will see below admin console Login page enter admin/admin Login id and password that is default credential comes with JBoss application server then click Login

How deploy war file JBoss server

  • Now click Applications –> Web Application (WAR)s –> Add a new resources

How deploy war file JBoss server

  • Now choose war file which we have in our above step before and keep all default deployment option click continue:

How deploy war file JBoss server

  • Finally you will see message: “Resource SampleProject.war created successfully!”

How deploy war file JBoss server

  • To test deployment please type http://localhost:8080/SampleProject/ on browser and hit enter you will see below page:

How deploy war file JBoss server

  • That’s it. For more information about deployment on JBoss application server please read this tutorial

download Download Project: SampleProject

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