How Start Stop TeamCity

How Start Stop TeamCity

This tutorial covers only if you have installed TeamCity server on your local computer on window operating system. TeamCity uses default port 80 and run as service on window system. If you want to verify port number please go to TeacmCity_Home/conf/server.xml file and search for <Connector port=”8111″ protocol=”HTTP/1.1″

How Start Stop TeamCity

  • As you see above its running on port number 99 and if you want to change it go ahead and change to another port as you like.
  • To start and stop team city server: Click Window –> Control Panel –> Administrative Tools –> Services and search for TeamCity Server you will see below:

How Start Stop TeamCity

  • To stop: Right click on TeamCity Server and choose Stop as below:

How Start Stop TeamCity

  • To start: Right click on TeamCity Server and choose Start as below:

How Start Stop TeamCity

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