Remove JavaScript Validation Eclipse Project

Remove JavaScript Validation Eclipse Project

Sometime while working with eclipse you will find yourself mess up with your setting and eclipse will start complaining about JavaScript error this will include third party libraries example JQuery, AngularJS etc. where you don’t have control to fix it. This will also not let you build project and you will be like me how to fix it:

Remove JavaScript Validation Eclipse Project

Solution: You could just skip validation for all JavaScript to get rid of this error but that is not good you would like to keep other JavaScript validation active which is written by you. So skip validation for particular file:

  • Right click project –> Properties –> JavaScript –> Include Path –> Source tab –> Excluded –> Edit

Remove JavaScript Validation Eclipse Project

  • Click Add –> Add Inclusion Pattern this allowed wild card entry as well:

Remove JavaScript Validation Eclipse Project

  •  This will fix most annoying issue in eclipse.

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