Create Virtual Drive Computer Subst Command

Create Virtual Drive Computer Subst Command

Many time while working on project you want to use virtual drive to store the data. Usually most organization don’t provide extra drive except C: . You can use DOS “subst” command which creates virtual drive in window for any folder you want.

For example: If you use “D:\Logs” frequently then you could create same virtual drive in window explorer using below command:

“C:\>subst D: C:\Logs”

Create Virtual Drive Computer Subst Command

  • After executing command you will D: drive will be created and folder name Logs will be copied here:

Create Virtual Drive Computer Subst Command

  • If you want to check any existing virtural drives which is available use only “subst” command without any parameter
  • If you want to delete existing virtual drive use command: “SUBST [drive1: [drive2:]path]”

drive1: Specifies virtual drive you want to assign path.
[drive2:] path Specifies physical drive and path you want to assign to virtual drive.
/D Deletes a substituted (virtual) drive.

  • Example: SUBST D: /D

Create Virtual Drive Computer Subst Command

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