Telephonic Java Interview Series 33

Telephonic Java Interview Series 33

This is latest series of telephonic round question which was asked in Wells Fergo bank for Sr. Java Developer position.

1. Can you tell me about your project and technology you worked on
2. As I do see have worked on SWAP. Would you please tell me what is portfolio SWAP
3. What is equity SWAP
4. What is variance SWAP
5. What is LIBOR rate
6. What is Index SWAP
7. What is bond how it works
8. As I see in your project you have used IBM MQSeries and Solace both. Why you have used both and what purpose.
9. What is method overloading and method overriding
10. Let’s say you have Class A with method name: testA which takes two parameter int a, int b where return type is String. If I write same method with same signature but different return type will it work – No compile time error duplicate method
11. If method has same return type will it work – No It won’t it will give compile time exception duplicate method
12. Why java does not allow static overriding
13. Let’s say you have class A and B where both class have same static method is this overriding if not why?
14. Next questions related to this: How can you call method of Class A and B.
15. If you do A a = new A(); a.testMethod(); then which method will be called and B b = new A(); b.testMethod(); then which method will be called
16. If you have to store list of object what collection you will use in java
17. Are you familiar with RESTFul service?
18. How have you developed RESTFul service?
19. What API you used to develop RESTFul and what acronym REST stands for?
20. What do you mean by produces in REST service
21. What do you mean by consume in REST service
22. How you convert object to XML in REST service
23. What is Spring boot why you have used in your project
24. Can you please tell how spring boots works
25. What is multithreading in java and what is difference between process and thread
26. How you create thread in Java and what is the best way to create it
27. What is the difference between sleep wait
28. Why wait and notify have been kept in object class
29. What is Executor interface in java
30. What is ExecutorService class in java
31. What is the difference between ExecutorService and CompletrionService class in java
32. When and where you use CompletionService
33. What is return type of execute and submit from ExecutorService class
34. What parameter execute and submit both takes
35. What is difference between callable and runnable interface
36. Can you call run method directly on Thread class
37. How do you catch exception in child thread and inform to parent
38. What is Spring MVC
39. What is factory design pattern
40. What is producer and consumer design pattern
41. What is scope of the bean in spring
42. What is life cycle of bean in spring
43. Let’s say in spring xml file we have bean 1, 2, 3 and 4 where 2 has added reference of 4 what will the order of initialization in the bean.
44. Can you initialize all bean and once
45. How you get instance of the bean in spring
46. What are ways are there in instantiate bean in spring
47. How you could initialize bean in spring
48. Is there any way you could initialize all bean in xml file
49. What is ENUM in java
50. What is garbage collection in java
51. How many type of memory component available in java
52. What are segment are there in java memory
53. How garbage collection works in java
54. If you create method where it stores in JVM memory
55. If you create object inside method where it will be created in JVM memory
56. How do you set different memory parameter in java, list all of them
57. What is eden space
58. What is singleton design pattern in java
59. How many type of joins are available
60. What is left and right outer join
61. What is trigger how to do you trigger based on insert and delete and how do you know if data inserted or deleted in the trigger
62. Have you use cursor? How many type of cursor is there
63. Let’s say you two table A where you 10 record and B have 5 record of you use inner join how many maximum record it will return and how many minimum record it will return
64. What is inner join can you write query to join two table
65. What is index in database
66. What is clustered and non-clustered index
67. Last question: What is most challenging problem you faced in your project and why it was challenging

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