Telephonic Java Interview Series 36

Telephonic Java Interview Series 36

This is latest telephonic interview questions which was asked in Comcast before face to face round for Sr. Java Developer position:

1. What is payload in RESTFul service
2. If suppose you need to write RESTFul web service where you 1000 of user id needs to be pass. How will you design your service and what should be payload.
3. How will you handle and process 100000 user id in controller of RESTFful service
4. Once you receive data in controller how will you process the message to the database – Answer was to make asynchronous call and acknowledge the request from the user and return them back transaction id so that he can track his request any time. Use batch to process the data
5. Let’s say you have 1 million record where user is perform operation insert and delete. What is the best way to store this data in Java. –Answer use linkedlist
6. What is Adapter design pattern
7. What is consistency pattern group
8. Have you used JDK 1.8
9. What improvement has been done in JDK 1.8
10. If you develop your application using JDK 1.7 and deploy on 1.8 will it work
11. If you develop your application using JDK 1.8 and deploy on 1.7 will it work
12. What method will you use in RESTFful service when deleting the data
13. What improvement in garbage collection has been made in JDK 1.8
14. Have you use lambda expression in JDK 1.8
15. What code coverage tools you have used in your project
16. Let say you are using interface with implementation will interface method should be included in code coverage
17. How you configure code coverage tools
18. What eclipse plug-in you have used in eclipse for code coverage

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