AutoSys CheatSheet Quick Reference

AutoSys CheatSheet Quick Reference

While working with AutoSys either on Windows OR Unix environment, commands are same and you should have something handy to execute AutoSys command quickly on any mentioned environment. Below I will show you frequent sued command on AutoSys:

  • Job status

autorep –J testjob

  • Job definition

autorep –J testjob –q

  • Job run history 3 runs ago

autorep –J testjob –d –r -3

  • Start a job

sendevent –E FORCE_STARTJOB –J testjob

  • Stop a job

sendevent –E KILLJOB –J testjob

  • Check if agent software functioning

autoping –M %COMPUTERNAME% -D

  • Check agent version

autoflags –a

  • Example JIL file testjob.jil
insert_job: testjob
command: echo hello
std_out_file: “C:\TEMP\testjob.out”
std_err_file: “C:\TEMP\testjob.err”
alarm_if_fail: 1
owner: autosys@ad-ent
application: test
  • Create a job

jil < testjob.jil

  • Delete a job: Create “SampleDelete.jil” and this line: delete_job: testjob save and close the file and execute below command:

jil < SampleDelete.jil


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