AutoSys JIL Script Validation Command Line

AutoSys JIL Script Validation Command Line

Once you created new AutoSys JIL file its very important to validate if before the deployment. You can either use Web Interface or command line to validate. Here I will show you how to validate newly create JIL file on Unix:

  • First see details about JIL file using below command:

$ cat JavaHonk.jil

$ cat JavaHonk.jil
update_job: JavaHonk_c  job_type: c
owner: JavaHonk@JavaHonk
command: /apps/dividend/JavaHonk/scripts/ UAT start
permission: gx,ge,wx,we,mx,me
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: mo,tu,we,th,fr
description: "Load Dividend data"
condition: s(JavaHonk_GenProcessDiv_c)
term_run_time: 540
alarm_if_fail: 1
std_out_file: /apps/dividend/JavaHonk/logs/JavaHonk_c.out
std_err_file: /apps/dividend/JavaHonk/logs/JavaHonk_c_err.out
application: JavaHonk
  • Now use below command to validate JIL file (Note: This file is in current directory and if your JIL is on different location please use accordingly)

$ jil -V syntax < JavaHonk.jil

$ jil -V syntax < JavaHonk.jil

CAUAJM_I_50245 Checking Syntax for Insert/Update Job: BATCH_JavaHonk_c
CAUAJM_W_10697 *** WARNING: Syntax mode cannot verify against all attributes for updates or overrides. Only requested attributes will be verified.

CAUAJM_W_50433 Warnings = 1

  • To load new JIL to AutoSys please use below:

$ jil < JavaHonk.jil

$ jil < JavaHonk.jil
CAUAJM_I_50204 Inserting/Updating Job: JavaHonk
CAUAJM_I_50205 Database Change WAS Successful!

  • Many other commands are also available and to use those command please use below help command:

$ jil –help

$ jil --help
CAUAJM_E_40003 Invalid parameters specified.

Unicenter AutoSys JM Jil Utility

USAGE: jil [-q] [-S autoserv_instance] [-V none|job|batch|syntax] [-x] [-?]

WHERE: -q           Runs the command in quiet mode
       -S AUTOSERV  Specifies the AutoSys instance
       -V none      Does not verify dependencies
       -V job       Verifies job dependencies
       -V batch     Verifies job dependencies after
                    JIL file is entirely processed
       -V syntax    Verifies the validity of the job definition only
       -x           Returns version information
       -?           Help

  • That’s it for more information please refer CA documentation here

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