Configure Groovy IntelliJ

Configure Groovy IntelliJ

If you are working with Groovy and using IntelliJ IDE to run program then you will have to configure Groovy to IntelliJ first. Please follow below steps:

  • Download and un-zip Groovy to your local drive of you choice Open you IntelliJ
    Open your IntelliJ right click Project –> Add Framework Support –> Groovy as below:

Configure Groovy IntelliJ

Configure Groovy IntelliJ

  • Now add Groovy library. Click create –> Choose Groovy home directory where you downloaded and un-zip Groovy then click OK. You will see as below:

Configure Groovy IntelliJ

  • Now it’s ready to run Groovy program. Now to create Groovy test class right click package folder –> New –> Groovy Class. Below is sample test Groovy class:
package javahonk

 * Created by Javahonk on 4/20/2015.
class GroovyTest {

    static main(args){
        println "First Groovy program"

  • To run: Right click Groovy class — Run As Groovy Main:

Configure Groovy IntelliJ

  • You will below output on console:

Configure Groovy IntelliJ

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