Sample project

Convert regular project into Maven project IntelliJ – Here we will see how to convert regular project into maven project.

1.Open any existing or new project below is example of Java project then right click of the project and select Add Framework Support

Convert regular project into Maven project IntelliJ

2.Once dialog box opens select maven options on the left and click OK

Convert regular project into Maven project IntelliJ

3.IntelliJ adds default pom.xml file to the project and generate standard maven project layout as you see below

Convert regular project into Maven project IntelliJ

4.Now open the newly generated pom.xml file here you will have to specifiy groupId. The artifactId and version are automatically added by IntelliJ. (Note: If you don’t know what groupId, artifactId and version in maven please read this tutorial)

Sample structure

5. For this example i had created project for beaniofixed length so name is: com.javahonk.beanio

Sample structure

6. Final project structure:

Sample structure

7. More about maven project: Maven is build tool which simplify the build processes.

Maven main goal was to allow developer to comprehend complete project state of development effort in very shortest period of time. So in order to achieve this goal there are several areas of concern which maven attempts simplify:

Providing a uniform build system
Providing quality project information
Making the build process easy
Providing guidelines for best practices development
Allowing transparent migration to new features

Although maven does not eliminate or need to know about mechanism of the project but it provides lots of shielding from from the details. Maven project do build using its project object model which is called (POM) and many plugins are available that are shared which can be utilized to fully automate the project. Once are used to of maven about how maven project builds you will automatically know how all maven projects build will save your time and automate build process. Its very powerful build tool.

8. Convert regular project into Maven project IntelliJ for more information please visit IntelliJ tutorial

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