DESede Encryption Decryption Java
DESede is an alias fo TripleDES encryption and both return will return exactly same cipher. In encytpion algorithim DESede encription algorithim works on all JavA platform. In actual practice TripleDES widely accepted. Please have sample DESede Encryption Decryption Java program:
package com.javahonk.encryption; import; import; import; import; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory; import javax.crypto.spec.DESedeKeySpec; import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder; import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder; public class StringEncrypterUsingDESede { public static final String DESEDE_ENCRYPTION_SCHEME = "DESede"; public static final String DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY = "This is a fairly long phrase used to encrypt"; private KeySpec keySpec; private SecretKeyFactory keyFactory; private Cipher cipher; private static final String UNICODE_FORMAT = "UTF8"; public StringEncrypterUsingDESede( String encryptionScheme ) throws EncryptionException { this( encryptionScheme, DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY ); } public StringEncrypterUsingDESede( String encryptionScheme, String encryptionKey ) throws EncryptionException { if ( encryptionKey == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "encryption key was null" ); if ( encryptionKey.trim().length() < 24 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "encryption key was less than 24 characters" ); try { byte[] keyAsBytes = encryptionKey.getBytes( UNICODE_FORMAT ); if ( encryptionScheme.equals( DESEDE_ENCRYPTION_SCHEME) ) { keySpec = new DESedeKeySpec( keyAsBytes ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Encryption scheme not supported: " + encryptionScheme ); } keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance( encryptionScheme ); cipher = Cipher.getInstance( encryptionScheme ); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { throw new EncryptionException( e ); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new EncryptionException( e ); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new EncryptionException( e ); } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) { throw new EncryptionException( e ); } } public String encrypt( String unencryptedString ) throws EncryptionException { if ( unencryptedString == null || unencryptedString.trim().length() == 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unencrypted string was null or empty" ); try { SecretKey key = keyFactory.generateSecret( keySpec ); cipher.init( Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key ); byte[] cleartext = unencryptedString.getBytes( UNICODE_FORMAT ); byte[] ciphertext = cipher.doFinal( cleartext ); BASE64Encoder base64encoder = new BASE64Encoder(); return base64encoder.encode( ciphertext ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EncryptionException( e ); } } public String decrypt( String encryptedString ) throws EncryptionException { if ( encryptedString == null || encryptedString.trim().length() <= 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "encrypted string was null or empty" ); try { SecretKey key = keyFactory.generateSecret( keySpec ); cipher.init( Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key ); BASE64Decoder base64decoder = new BASE64Decoder(); byte[] cleartext = base64decoder.decodeBuffer( encryptedString ); byte[] ciphertext = cipher.doFinal( cleartext ); return bytes2String( ciphertext ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EncryptionException( e ); } } private static String bytes2String( byte[] bytes ) { StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { stringBuffer.append( (char) bytes[i] ); } return stringBuffer.toString(); } public static class EncryptionException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public EncryptionException( Throwable t ) { super( t ); } } public static void main(String args[]) throws EncryptionException{ StringEncrypterUsingDESede encryption = new StringEncrypterUsingDESede(DESEDE_ENCRYPTION_SCHEME); String target = "Java Honk"; String encrypted = encryption.encrypt(target); String decrypted = encryption.decrypt(encrypted); System.out.println("String To Encrypt: " + target); System.out.println("Encrypted String:" + encrypted); System.out.println("Decrypted String:" + decrypted); } }
- Output:
- For more information please visit Oracle documentation here