Eclipse Support JSF 2

Eclipse Support JSF 2

Working with JSF 2.0 is more easier if IDE you are working supports it, means it should provides wizards, validation, navigation, visual editing and content assist to JSF projects and component libraries. Many documents you may have seen which shows many different technique to make Eclipse to support JSF 2.0. Easiest technique is to just install JBoss Tools plug-in to eclipse using this tutorial

Now to validate how efficiently you could develop JSF page is to create one sample xhtml file and open it in eclipse as you will see after installing JBoss Tools plug-in it support all functionality mentioned above:

  • Code assist: Press ctrl+space:

Eclipse Support JSF 2

  • To see palette: Click Window –> Show View –> General –> Palette (For example if you want to create calender just drag and drop on the page)

Eclipse Support JSF 2

  • To see outline: Click Window –> Show View –> General –> Outline:

Eclipse Support JSF 2

  • For more information visit JSF RichFaces tutorial here

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