Face to Face Interview Series 31 front end questions

Face to Face Interview Series 31 front end questions

Face to Face Interview Series 31 front end questions for Sr. Java Developer position and frequently asked questions:

1. What is difference between XHTML and HTML?
2. Do you know CSS? What version you have used and give me difference?
3. Do you know JavaScript? How many types of objects are there in JavaScript?
4. What JavaScript frameworks have you used?
5. Have you used JSON? Please explain?
6. Where exactly did you use JSON?
7. Do you know AJAX? What is it?
8. Have you used jQuery with AJAX?
9. How did you use JSON and where could you please explain it?
10. What kind of work have you done in the front-end?
11. Can you tell me if you are front end or back end developer?
12. Where would you like to work front end or back end?
13. How did you use JSON in Java?
14. Which JSON API did you use?
15. What is AJAX? How and when did you use it?
16. Does AJAX support HTTP GET or HTTP POST?
17. Have you used both? In which framework?
18. What is difference between == and === in JavaScript?
20. Did you use any framework when using AJAX?
21. Please explain how to make AJAX calls with jQuery?
22. What data format have you used to exchange data between client and server when using jQuery?
23. Explain real time project where you have used AJAX?
24. What is your experience with front end Frameworks?
25. Is JavaScript case sensitive?
26. How you include JavaScript in html page?

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