Face to Face Interview Series 35 Unix commands

Face to Face Interview Series 35 Unix commands

Face to Face Interview Series 35 Unix commands question for all java related interview and these are frequently asked questions whenever interview jump on Unix topic:

1. List some of Linux Unix commands that you used on daily basis?
2. What is PS command?
3. How to kill a process in Linux?
4. Commands to check IO, CPU and Memory utilization in Linux?
5. What command would you use to delete directory and all files and directories it contains?
6. How would you redirect output of the ls command to file?
7. How do you grant the group owner of a file execute permission for the file?
8. How you make directory?
9. How you delete directory?
10. How do you open file?
11. How do close file?
12. How do you view file?
13. How you path in Unix?

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