Face to Face Java Interview Series 27

Face to Face Java Interview Series 27

This is Face to Face Java Interview Series 27 questions for Sr. Java Developer position in big finance company. Below are questions:

1. Please explain your current project in details and your technical experience ?
2. As you said you have experience leading the team. How do you lead the team ?
3. If suppose you are working on big application and you are getting corrupt data from client to the database in production. How will you solve the issue and as a lead what would be your first point to check the issue ?
4. What is agile methodology ?
5. How have you implemented agile methodology in your project ?
6. What is water fall model ?
7. What are design pattern you know in Java ?
8. What is builder design pattern ?
9. Please write pseudo code of builder design pattern ?
10. What is singleton design pattern ?
11. How many layer was there in your application ?

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