Getting Started Google App Engine

Getting Started Google App Engine

Google App Engine gives you a platform to compile, build and run application on Google infrastructure. For the beginner it’s little time consuming to get used to wiht it but after sometime working with it you will fees its easiness including maintaining the application because you are controlling everything of your application. You can also scale you application based on your site traffic changes which needs extra data storage. You could build applicaiton on your location computer once everything is done just upload your application then you are all set to go.

Note: Google only provide 1GB of free space after that if you need extra space, you will have to pay for that.

It’s supports variety of platforms:

  • Java: Using it’s Java runtime environment you could build application using Java.
  • Python: It also supports Python interpreter and standard Python libraries.
  • PHP: PHP functions are also supported.s
  • Go: It also features go runtime environment where application can be runs on natively compiled ready made code.

Google App Engine development environment: It’s SDK kit available for all supported language and every SDK includes:

  • All if its APIs and libraries which include all service you need to run your application on your local computer.
  • This also got deployment tools which you can use to upload your application into cloud and manages its version as you do with any version control system.
  • As you download SDK locally where you manages application on your local system but Google cloud platfrom manages application in real time production.
  • It’s cloud platform uses web based interface which you can use to create new applications, configure your domain name (You will have to buy domain name separately), changes name of your application, access to log files, modify file etc…

To get start with it download SDK on your local computer.

I will be downloading Google App Engine SDK for Java because I will be building Java Application and based on your need you could choose other App Engine SDK.


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