
Install Sonar Open Platform Manage Code Quality

Sonar is very efficient way to manage code quality. According to its official description, it manages all 7 axes of code quality. This tutorial will cover only installation part and next tutorial we have covered project configuration to see how it checks code quality of the project. Please follow below steps to install it locally:

Install Sonar Open Platform Manage Code Quality

  • If you open bin folder you will see below folder structure for all platform and based on your platform you could start Sonar. In this demo we are using Winodw 8.1 64 bit so we will use windows-x86-64 to start sonar:

Install Sonar Open Platform Manage Code Quality

  • To start sonar CD to sonarqube-HOME\bin\windows-x86-64 folder and use below command:

Install Sonar Open Platform Manage Code Quality

  • If server started successfully you will see below:

Install Sonar Open Platform Manage Code Quality

Install Sonar Open Platform Manage Code Quality

  • Configuration change: To change its configuration go to sonarqube_HOME\conf folder and open file sonar.properties. In this file you could change default properties. If you want to change database then search for word “DATABASE” you will see below:

Install Sonar Open Platform Manage Code Quality

Note: By default it uses embedded H2 database but supported databases are MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQLServer and you will all are configured commented out by default just you will have change user name, password and JDBC URL.

  • To change its default port search for word “sonar.web” you will see below where you could change host, port and context:

Install Sonar Open Platform Manage Code Quality


  • To log in to the console you could use default administrator log in id and password admin/admin

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