Make Executable JAR File

Make Executable JAR File

If you have written java program and want to make executable jar file out of it. I will show you how to create executable jar using Eclipse and using command prompt.

Using Eclipse: Create java project in eclipse below is sample where we will create class “” which will be our main entry point through executable jar file:

Make Executable JAR File

package com.javahonk;

public class ExecutableJar {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.println("Java Honk executable Jar test successful");

  • To create executable jar: Right click project –> Export –> Java –> Runnable JAR File –> Next:

Make Executable JAR File

  • Choose to launch configuration and export destination then click finish:

Make Executable JAR File

  • Now you will see Executable.jar got created. To test go to command prompt and use command: “java -jar jarFileName”

Make Executable JAR File

  • Create JAR from command prompt: Create file put inside src/main/java folder and include below:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: com.javahonk.ExecutableJar
  • Go to command prompt go to the folder you have kept all class file and mainifest file (Note: file should be in same folder) and execute below command:

“jar cfm Executable.jar *.class”

  • For more information please visit oracle documentation here

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