Solace Message Onboarding Example

Solace Message Onboarding Example


The purpose of this tutorial is to explain the process associated with on boarding Solace messaging application team into Solace middleware service infrastructure. For any company to start using Solace Message Oriented Middleware first teams needs to prepare document that is required to gather details on application flow and related messaging requirement (across various environment ex: Development/UAT/Production requirement). Platform team uses the document for analyzing and setting up application flow into Solace along with enabling application to monitoring/management tools. Solace service offering is a shared infrastructure service and onboarding document helps to gather details to gauge capacity/feature details expected from application.

Object creation process:

Objects in Solace can be classified as below:

  • VPN
  • Queue
  • Topic
  • User
  • JNDI
  • Durables
  • Bridge

You will have to include below information as an example below: 

Appliance name
VPN Name
Required Queue names and if JNDI are required
Required topic names and if JNDI are required
User details: don’t add password details and email to us securely


ACL details for above queues/topic – which user can publish and which user can subscribe.


Does all above new queue/user/ACL/Topic need to be set-up on BCP or it needs a different naming being used
Replication requirement – if the VPN is enabled for replication then which queue and topic message need to be replicated to BCP and if they need to be synchronous/asynchronous
Error handling– if application can handle error condition and does not drop messages


Reconnect/Retry details – if applications have been coded for reconnect/retry and if they are validated in lower environment.


Is this flow migrating to Production validated in Development and UAT/QA environment.
Total # of connections being added to the appliance
Monitoring threshold on queue/topics

(alerts will go to production support team)

Once all these information filled in you could forward to Solace admin team to on-board requested VPN. Usually when VPN gets created you get below information email from Solace team:

JavaHonk_VPN VPN Created successfully in Development. Details below, please do the rest of the object creation using whatever company provide to create your own queue, topic or durable through web interface:

JMS-Persistent Connection Factory(Window size 1)JAVAHONK_VPN_CF
JMS-NonPersistent Connection Factory(Window size 255)JAVAHONK_VPN_NP_CF
JMS-Direct Connection Factory(direct-no Ack back)JAVAHONK_VPN_DIRECT_CF

Once you receive all these information you could start creating your own queue, topic or durable and start you testing.


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