State Pattern

The state pattern, which closely resembles Strategy Pattern, is a behavioral software design pattern, alsoknown as the objects for states pattern. This pattern is used in computer programming to represent the state of an object. This is a clean way for an object to partially change its type at runtime

Structure Diagram :

State Pattern

Example: The state interface and two implementations. The state’s method has a reference to the context object and is able to change its state.

State interface :

public interface State {
	void writeName(StateContext stateContext, String name);

Class StateA :

public class StateA implements State {
	public void writeName(StateContext stateContext, String name) {
		stateContext.setState(new StateB());

Class StateB

public class StateB implements State {
	private int count = 0;

	public void writeName(StateContext stateContext, String name) {
		// change state after StateB's writeName() gets invoked twice
		if (++count > 1) {
			stateContext.setState(new StateA());

The context class has a state variable which it instantiates in an initial state, in this case StateA. In its method, it uses the corresponding methods of the state object.

public class StateContext {
	private State myState;

	public StateContext() {
		setState(new StateA());

	// normally only called by classes implementing the State interface
	public void setState(State newState) {
		this.myState = newState;

	public void writeName(String name) {
		this.myState.writeName(this, name);

Main class for test:

public class TestClientState {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		StateContext sc = new StateContext();



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