TeamCity GitHub integration

TeamCity GitHub integration

This tutorial will walk you through how to integrate version control system (VCS) GitHub with TeamCity. Please follow below steps:

  • We assume you already created project in TeamCity and next step you are going to do is configure VCS GitHub with TeamCity. (If you are not sure how to create project in TeamCity please follow this tutorial)
  • We have added MavenTestProject  to project root folder for test. Click this to open project setting:

TeamCity GitHub integration

  • Once you click MavenTestProject it will open below screen:

TeamCity GitHub integration


  • Click VCS Roots in left pane to open VCS roots setting it will open below window:

TeamCity GitHub integration

  • Click Create VCS root to create new VCS root it will open below window and enter information as below (Note: We have configure JavaHonk project root folder for GitHub and you could use your GitHub repository)

TeamCity GitHub integration


  • To test GitHub connection please click Test connection button if everything entered correctly it will show you below screen:

TeamCity GitHub integration

  • Now Click Save button to save setting. That’s it. For more information please follow this tutorial


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