Tomcat server locations section disabled

Tomcat server locations section disabled

If you are using tomcat server and trying to change server location in eclipse and see its disable please follow steps below to enable it:

  • Right click server –> Click properties

Tomcat server locations section disabled

  • On General view click Switch locations –> OK

Tomcat server locations section disabled

  • Now you will see server locations section is enabled and you can change server published path:

Tomcat server locations section disabled

Other method to enable Server locations:

  • Right click server –> Click Add/Remove and remove any configure project and make it empty as below then click Finish:

Tomcat server locations section disabled

  • Now click server again then click Clean:

Tomcat server locations section disabled

  • You will see server locations is enable now.

For more information on tomcat server please use Apache tomcat here

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